Saturday 3 September 2022

Restore broken marriage with powerful spell caster

The casting of spells has always scared me to bite, but when life was becoming hopeless I had to be strong but the best part was that I was extremely lucky that the first spellcaster I met was the Papa abulu of the Temple of Solution and that he helped me in this way, at least I imagine. I have always believed that whatever happens in our lives should make us stronger. As a single mom out of work for over 2 years life was so hard to make things worse the man I loved so much that he was always there for me when I needed someone gave me the shock of my life when he told me it was over everything got worse i had a broken heart and i couldn't find any man who wanted me and no job, but i kept the faith and my faith paid a faithful day i was going through Instagram when i saw a post from a woman who has crossed a similar situation he talked about how he met a father who called her papa abulu, but I call him papa abulu for how he took me as his daughter. I contacted him on July 13th 2015 just like a dream exactly 4 days after talking to papa abulu I had a great job as if it wasn't enough my ex boyfriend came back asking me to forgive him and promise not to hurt me again and now my boyfriend loves me more than anything. I don't know what my life would have been without him and if I hadn't seen the other lady's post I won't live life now so I decided to share my experience and allow even those who might have lost hope that 'there is still someone out there who is powerful and very reliable who can help call papa abulu, but I call him papa because he not only helped me like a father, he did everything for me for free. I know this may not be the best way to have a fantastic life, but if you're tied to your situation like I was and you need someone very trustworthy please talk to his email or Instagram. The amazing thing I discovered about the Papa abulu was that he also helped me with so many problems just as he helped me re-establish my relationship and also helped me with a job that can do a lot, please talk to him if you know that you have a problem I need an urgent solution that has helped me and is very sure that it can help you too. Please, Papa abulu publish my testimony on your blog to help those who could go through what I went through and even let those who are afraid or those who do not believe that a real power spell like Papa abulu can be found is reached. I will be very happy to read my testimony on your blog. Thank you so much for all you have done for me, you smiled on my lips and I am very grateful. Martha Barros Rome, Italy.

Looking for a spell caster then contact Papa abulu and be happy

I was looking for a faithful wizard who could help me bring back my ex-husband, but all the so-called wizards I met could not even get him to call me, and I feel blessed to be papa abulu Who helped me bring back my husband and restore the joy and happiness of my family? Not only did she help me take a leadership position in the company. Less I forget that I'm Bernstein, Cologne, Germany. I would like to quickly write my review and experience of what Papa abulu did for me as a caster, which helped me when I had a misunderstanding with my husband that led to a divorce. I've asked this wizard for mighty love for help and she actually helped me without running away with my money. I listened to him on Instagram and how he helped people with their relationship issues. I contacted him and followed the step he asked. Within 48 hours my ex-husband called me and longed for my forgiveness and wished nothing more than to have me in his arms forever. I am so happy and happy that I have found Papa abulu. I hope that all of you here will find this testimony of mine and believe that there is a true caster that is real and powerful. You do not have to worry about he, he is like a father. My advice is that you contact him and get his husband back in just 48 hours, as in my case. he has done a perfect job for me. I'm so happy and excited, because when I write this testimony, my husband is in love with me again. If there is someone who is in trouble and needs help, then papa abulu should be confidently contacted on his website or by email at If you can persuade him to help you, he is very sure to help you. During the few days he helped me bring back my husband, I noticed that he can cast spells on many problems and her spells work very fast. It can work like magic Spell to bring back the ex-lover. Magic to marry Magic to get pregnant Money magic Good luck spells Winning the lottery magic Magic to win a contract Magic to get a job Find the right man or woman to marry Magic to break courses Wards and so many others. I really do not like sharing my personal experiences, but I could not help but share this testimony. Thank you Papa abulu for what you have done for me and my family. We are deeply connected. Thank you And may you live long to help more and more people. Amber, Cologne, Germany.

The best spell caster you need for your spell

My life was colorless before I met Papa abulu, who helped me with a love spell to reunite with the mother of my children. It also helps me find a new job. After talking to him and emailing his (, all I knew was that he was the solution I was looking for. The result of your love spell came so fast within 48 hours, as you said! My will to live and enjoy life is back, now that my family is happier and richer, thanks to the help you have given me, I will never feel lonely again. Thank you for bringing my wife back to me! Thank you Papa abulu, without you I would not have gotten the new job and she would not return to me and love me so much that she now loves me beyond my imagination. Before I came to Papa abulu for help, I met some people who claim to have the power to bring back my wife and make her love me again. You are really incredible. After I got my wife and my new job back, I also led one of my colleagues in the office, whose husband had left her for another woman. Just three days after I gave the contact details of Papa abulu, he called me and told me that her husband was her, and 2 of his brothers came back to ask her to accept him again. Papa abulu is unlike any spiritualist I've ever met or heard what he does. he is powerful and unique as soon as he agrees to help you. Just rest assured that your problems are over. When she told me that my wife will return to me in 48 hours I doubted it, but in 36 hours my wife called me on the phone and begged me to tell me how worthless her life had been without me and that she wants us to be so bad together again. My marriage and my family are back and I owe you everything, Papa abulu. You are the best. My meeting with you was the best thing that ever happened to me in my life. Thank you for helping me and my colleague. Thank you so much again. Inanka, Berlin.

Never lose the one you love again come to Papa abulu Temple of solution

My name is Vlade Franca, my life is full of joy because Papa abulu asked me to be happy. What happened to me is not what I can only keep for myself, but also to tell the world so that those who were once like me get their love back and happy again times. My lover and I had some problems that led to separation. After, my life has never been the same again. I tried all the methods to get it back, but it was a waste of time and effort. But one day, during my research on the Internet, I came across the testimony of a man who explained how Papa abulu had helped him recover his ex-wife and made her stronger for him while he was a man, but his case was like what I was going to do. although at that time I was not satisfied, so I did more research on Papa abulu and discovered his website and he was the spiritual father of Solution temple where many people solved their problems, so I decided to contact him and did it by his email:

Get your lover back within 24 hours guarantee

After reading compliments on blogs, I found testimonials about Papa abulu so interesting. I emailed the Papa on October 15, begging him to recover my broken heart, I have been in an emotional crisis over a man I love so much 2 years ago. We met him 4 years ago in a company, it was love at first sight, I couldn't take my eyes off him, and I always felt that there was a strong connection between us before we started dating. We always had our communication mishaps along the way that didn't help the romantic side to develop, but I always felt that something was stopping him when he started acting before we broke up. I tried to move on and forget my feelings for him, but I can't, deep down, know that I care and love him. The Papa abulu helped me and we came back and made our love as strong as I always wanted and it's getting stronger every day, we have fallen in love ever since. I am very happy to also share my testimony and recommend to the Papa abulu who contacted him through his email

Solve your relationship problems and live a happy life of peace

I have heard of people with spiritual powers, but I find it hard to believe until I have met Papa. I use to think that I will be the last person to want the help of a spiritualist, something I don't believe, but that's what trouble people could do. My life was on the way to disaster I had no job I just came from a very romantic relationship and I was heart broken things were really apart my cousin Rashel who had already got a very good job and a great man with the help of Papa abulu encourage me to talk to her, but I refused to believe what my cousin says about he. When things got so bad and I almost went crazy, I had no choice but to contact papa abulu. The most surprising part was that he knew that I did not believe that he had hard spiritual powers or that he could still help me, but that he was very kind to me and nice too. To make the long story short today, it was exactly 7 months ago that I contacted him and I never had any reason to worry about anything. I have a good job at a communications company and I have received three promotions in the last six months, which is absolutely unusual in any large company. he is indeed a miracle if I had advised my cousin before I had not long ago, but with a good job and a great guy who treats me like an angel, loves me so much and loves the rest of his life with me i don't care about the past anymore, i just look forward to a better future. Thank you very much papa abulu I will be forever grateful for everything you have done for me and for turning my story forever. Gillis B. Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Solve your relationship problems today with the powerful Papa abulu

My name is Damian, my life was devastated when my wife, my 6 year old daughter and my 11 month old son left without a trace of her after 8 years of marriage. I was lost and helpless after trying so many ways to get my wife back with my children. One day at work, I had a distracted mind not knowing that my boss was calling me, so he sat down and asked me what it was. He smiled and said it was not a problem. I never understood what he meant by saying that it was not a problem to recover my wife, he said he used a spell to recover his wife when she left him 2 years ago and now they are together and she is not thinking of leaving him again. surprised to hear something like that from my boss. He gave me an email, the email address of the great spellcaster Papa abulu, who helped him get his wife back, he also gave me his website. I never thought this would work, but I had no choice but to contact the Papa abulu, which I did, and he requested my information and that of my wife to allow him to cast the spell and sent him the details, but then After two days, my mother called me saying that my wife came with her mother begging her to come back to me, I never believed it because it was like a dream and I had to run to my mother's place and, to my greatest surprise, my wife He knelt before me asking for forgiveness that she wants to return with me and then I contacted the papa abulu about the sudden change of my wife and he made it clear to me that my wife will love me and never leave me or take the children again , will never stop seeing him. Now my wife and I are back together and we have started doing nice things that he had not done before, he makes me happy and does what she is supposed to do as a woman without complaining. Please, if you need help of any kind, contact Papa abulu for help. he is so real and powerful that I have no words to describe her kindness and understanding. he is really a father and I feel he was sent to me and my family. Thank you. Papa abulu Your email:

Papa abulu help me get back my lover

My name is Yolanda Camilla from the state of Las Vegas United. I want to share my testimony with the general public about what this man named Papa abulu has just done for me, this man has just brought joy to my home and my life in person I have heard from he before and I was doubting her but after reading some testimonials from different people and on his website , I decided to give him a chance on my inability to have my own baby and get pregnant for the man I married named Mr. Flores we were together to long time and we love our self but when i was unable to give him a child 8 years ago he left me and told me that he can't go on anymore so i was now looking for ways to get him back from a friend of mine He told me about this powerful papa abulu, a man who is very affectionate and was like a father. I contacted you via email: You will not believe that in just 3 days after I came in contact with your miracles began to happen in my life. The first thing that happened was that my husband came back to me and was begging to forgive him then the big% weeks later I was in the hospital and the doctor confirmed that I was 4 weeks pregnant. Now I have 2 lovely children Diana and Flores Jnr. Thank you once again the great Papa abulu for what you have done for me and my family, you are certainly a blessing to the world, please do not stop your good works. During the time he was helping me I have to know a lot about him, he is very kind and understanding and caring and also not only helps to get pregnant or bring back an ex lover or a husband but she can also help people with Many other problems. 1). IF YOU WANT YOUR EX LOVER TO RETURN. (2). IF YTOU THINK YOU'RE CURSED OR YOU'RE ALWAYS HAVING DREAMS (3) You want to be promoted in your office. IF YOU WANT PROMOTION IN YOUR OFFICE NEEDS A WELL PAID JOB. (4). You want women or men to run after you. (5). IF YOU WANT A SON. (6). IF YOU WANT TO BE RICH (7). IF YOU WANT TO MAKE YOUR WIFE OR HUSBAND TO LOVE YOU VERY MUCH AND NEVER LEAVE OR STORE AND BE FAITHFUL TO YOU ALONE Contact him via EMAIL: OR YOU CAN TALK TO HIM ON HIS WEBSITE

How to get back ex husband and ex lover true story

Ben Deborah is 28 years old. I know that many people have experienced difficult times with love and romance ... Although I have heard of people claiming to be spellers and I have seen very few people who can really spell spell from a short distance like the same country or city, but I have never seen anyone like Papa ( who can make you even the prettiest or the most beautiful or horny girl on a social network such as facebook twitter etc ... Please listen to me this is my little way to help someone too ... (if you climb on the shoulders of someone you will probably see very far away) and that's what I want to do for you ... I know what it's like to LOVE someone and donate them I do not LOVE you, I have also been in a situation where the only man loves is in love with another girl ... if I knew papa abulu when a colleague gathered my friend, it didn't happen ... Well I have no regrets, because only For 3 days I met a nice fun and rich guy (guy) at FACEBOOK, and what someone sent me to Papa abulu ... it only took 5 days before he came from IRELAND to see me in NEW YORK ... now he is so in love with me that he comes to NEW YORK every weekend AND NOW WE WILL BE MARRIED IN TWO MONTHS OF TIME ... I WAS WAITING TO GIVE IN ADVANCE BEFORE I GET MY TESTIMONY HERE BECAUSE PAPA ABULU HE SAID WITH ME AS I WILL WANT TO MAKE HIM WITH ME ... TO ME HIS IS THE STRONGEST SPIRITUALIST IN THE WORLD ... PLEASE CONTACT HIS RIGHT ... Don't waste any more time ... Even if you don't have a problem or want you don't help he to solve your problems, just help me a big thank you to papa abulu but if you have a problem, talk to him now ... before it's too late

How I restored my marriage the easy way

I'm Kendra Rosemary, from Canada. When I finally found testimonials about this spellcaster named Papa abulu, how it has helped so many people recover their lovers and broken homes, I contacted him through his email address at because my husband whom I really love with all my heart and me too, but suddenly I change and he turned his back on me and hated me with passion and was absolutely desperate to get it back. Life without my husband was a real disaster for me. I wanted a dramatic change and I thought magic could be the solution. After discussing the resolution with the Papa abulu, he gave me the hope that he will recover my marriage because he is already my husband. I felt sure that he will really make my husband come home and he did. It is fantastic what this great spellcaster has done for me, his help is Papa . I don't know what I would have done without papa abulu. he does his job very well and is organized and highly functional, I think he is the best spellcaster I can count on when it comes to all kinds of spells, I felt so grateful that his spells worked and, if you need help, contact him Now in your email and I assure you that things will change for you. Thanks papa abulu

Easy step on how I got back my ex lover

Some people call him spiritual father others call he papa abulu others call he the best caster and healer, but I will say he is the most powerful and reliable spiritualist lover, my name is Natasha and I need to share this great testimony and say a big thank you to this nice man papa abulu who helped me find the love of my life, my ex lover (now my husband) who suddenly lost interest for me after 9 months of engagement, but today we are married and we are happier than ever before, I am really short of words and joy, and I do not know how much I can express my gratitude to you. Papa abulu, you are a blessing sent to restore my broken relationship. Because of what I have experienced in the years that Papa abulu helped me, I now know more about him and I am amazed at what he can do. he really likes to help people fulfill their desires, to find true love, to recover their ex-lovers, to put an end to abusive relationships, to find success, to attract happiness, to find soul mates, etc. It would be risky for you to read and return to your tears and sorrows as I did until I ventured to speak to Papa abulu when my relationship collapsed. Solve your problems as he did for me.

How I saved my marriage from collapse and breakup

This is a spell-cast testimony of Papa abulu, the best love spell among all other love spells. If you have been wondering how to get a girlfriend back or how to find a real spell, then I have good news for you because I desperately need a spell when my husband left me. My name is Cecilia. I just want to share my experience with the world about how Papa abulu helps me, I got my love back and saved my marriage. I was married for 3 years with 1 child and we lived happily until things started to get ugly and we had fights and argued almost e very time. It got worse at a time when he filed for divorce. I tried my best to make him think and stay with me because I love him so much and don't want to lose him, but everything just didn't work. He moved out of the house because it was a rented apartment and still went on to file for divorce. I prayed and tried everything but still nothing worked. The breakthrough came when someone introduced me to this wonderful, great spell Papa abulu very strong man who eventually helped me out. I have never been a fan of things like this, but just decided to try reluctantly because I was desperate and left with no choice. he made special prayers and used his power. Within 4 days, my husband called me and said he was sorry for everything he made me go through. If you need a real spell or you need a spell desperately, I would advise that you talk to Papa abulu, he knows all about love spellers than anyone I've met. So if you're done here, don't hesitate to talk to him, I trust he can help you.

Get back your wife after break up fast and easy

I always wondered if there are spells such as spellcasters and spells, and I've been looking for a love spell to bring my wife back after two years apart, I tried using three different magic casters and paid, but none of them succeeded. recover my wife and it made me look frustrated until a friend of mine sent me to Papa abulu the spiritual father of the temple of solution that did what might actually be called the love spell I contacted Papa abulu and soon after 48 hours my wife called me and said she wanted us to be together I was a big idiot because I spent over $ 1000 on the other spell caster I found but Papa didn't ask me to pay him he only said when I got what I wanted I can give him a gift but he was the only one who was able to bring back my wife and made her love me so much that I was happier and sent him 200 bucks but to my surprise he sent 150 bucks back to me. Papa abulu you are really amazing you brought back my wife and now we are back with my 8 year old daughter and there is more romance love and happiness that has been lost in our relationship is back in excess please if anyone needs one true love caster spell won't waste your money like i did on those who claim to be wizard of love but can't cast a powerful spell, please contact Papa abulu he is a real caster and it costs him nothing to cast spell his is the solution to your relationship problem, you can contact him at his email May you find the solution you are looking for, as if I were doing good luck.

How to get pregnant fast and have healthy children

Whoever says that spell casting and a true spell caster do not exist then you have to meet Papa abulu because he is a true spell caster and a spiritualist who can actually help with different problems It is a great Joy to finally be a Mother after 11 years. This is all thanks to those People out there who have been giving testimonies about a great Papa abulu it was through your testimonies i found Papa abulu and now i have gotten my own testimony and a break through. I was married for 13 years without a child. the last 3 years of my childlessness was like hell not because of my husband because he stood by me but because of the pains i felt not being able to get pregnant for such a loving and caring man. Getting pregnant was almost impossible for me and all hope was lost. I went from one specialist to another but to no avail. I came online in search of immediate solution. I read so many testimony online and I contacted few spell casters but still didn't get any solution. I could not hide my pain anymore so i open up to a friend i met last year on Xmas eve and she was having the same problem years ago until she met a great spell caster called Papa abulu who caster a pregnancy spell for her and she was able to give birth and now have 3 beautiful kids. I quickly collected Papa abulu contact information which she gave as ( Today i am so happy to tell the world about this great spell caster Papa abulu who finally help me the same way he helped my friend. I can proudly testify of her good and legitimate power because today i am a Mother of twin Boys and a baby Girl is on the way. So, I am very happy to tell the Word about this unique spell caster. You can also contact him through his contact information Email I can boldly say that with the helped of Papa abulu spell all your problems are gone.

How i saved my 16 years old marriage

Hi My name is "Sarah Norman" I was married for 16 years but 3 years ago things started getting ugly and we had fights and arguments almost every single day. It got so bad and that he filed for divorce. to be fair to my husband, it was entirely my mistake. i was going through PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and he did all he could to help but it became worse for me. i couldn't handle myself When he filed for divorce and realise that i was gonna lose the best man i ever knew i tried my best to make him change his mind & stay with me but he moved out of the house and still went ahead to with the divorce. I pleaded and tried everything but still nothing worked. The breakthrough came when someone introduced me to this wonderful, great spiritualist and spell caster who eventually helped me out after many attempt by some other spell caster who i believe where powerless or not real spell casters. Because other spiritualist have failed me i stopped believing on spirituality, spell casting or spell casters but reluctantly decided to give Papa abulu with the thought of giving up if he can't help me. he did special prayers and other things he told me he will do and to my surprise what other spiritualist and spell casters could not do. Within 2 days, about 38 hours to be precise my husband Greg called me and was sorry for all the emotional trauma he had cost me even when i was clearly the cause for the break up. He moved back to the house and we continue to live happily. What a wonderful miracle Papa abulu did for me and my family. I have introduced him to a lot of couples with problems and they have had good news like myself. I strongly believe someone out there needs his help so i will advice that you make the effort to save your marriage or relationship or any problem to talk Papa abulu he saved my marriage and i am completely sure he can help you too Here is his Email: Thank you so much Papa abulu for what you did for me and my family

How i restored my broken marriage within 2 days

The last 2 years have been a very exciting time for my and my family this is all thanks to a powerful and reliable spell caster who help to restore my marriage and made it a more beautiful and happy marriage I'm so excited my broken Marriage has been restored & my husband is back to me and is now the man i fell in love with and married. When my husband left me i felt my world was crashing because we were an ideal couple and family. Our separation brought tears and i became depressed. It was so hard for me because we were so in love with each other because the misunderstanding started and became worse. I was upset, sad, depressed and frustrated, i needed help and at a point i became very desperate because i really wanted to save my marriage. I believe when you have a beautiful marriage and a lovely home it is worth fighting for and i was very ready to fight and save my home and marriage. I was searching online and came across so many positive testimonies of this spell caster who many claim was very powerful and helped them solve their problems like getting ex lover back, getting ex husband and wife back, solving their financial problems, health problems and so many others. After more research i could tell that Papa abulu is truly a very powerful and reliable spell caster ho can actually help me restore my marriage and bring my husband back to me if you need to speak with papa abulu then contact him through his email Here is his Email: have complete faith in him and in his work and i am completely sure that you will be writing your own testimony like in soon. It was a blessing to know you papa abulu thank you so much

How i got back my husband after 7 months separation

This is an amazing testimony i have wanted to share for quite some time now about Papa abulu a spell caster who brought my husband back to me. My name is Michelle Vorm i live in Kiev, Ukraine and I'm happily married to a lovely and caring man and the marriage is blessed with 3 beautiful kids (Jessica, Malcolm and Yvonne). We were such an amazing family until February last year when a very big problem occurred in my family between me and my husband. It became worse every single day that he took the case to court and wanted a divorce. It was so hard for me and especially the kids. Although he took all responsibility of the family and was always there for the kids. I tried every way possible to get him to change his mind but the harder i tried the harder and more determined he became on the divorce. As luck will have it, just 2 weeks before the final court case that would have sealed the divorce, i ran into an old college mate who told me how her marriage almost collapsed but for the help of this powerful spell caster Papa abulu he saved her marriage and now they are stronger together and that he is completely sure that nothing can ever break them apart ever again. It was the kind of testimony that gives you both hope, faith and joy. i quickly collected Papa abulu's contact information and i wrote to he on his email: and explained my situation to him. he was very understanding and nice, Papa abulu assured me that i will get my husband and that my marriage will be restored. I had complete faith in him even though i never beileved in spell casting and spell casters but because of my old college mate who assured me that Papa abulu is the best spell caster and spiritualist and how he helped her i had to put my faith in he and he work. three days after he completed the work my husband was at our door as early as 4am. I knew instantly that the work Papa abulu the powerful spell caster did for me has worked because my husband had vowed never to step foot in our house ever again. He was remorseful and apologise for his mistake and for all he made us go though. I was also sorry because i realise that i made some mistakes as well. From that very day till today, we have never had any misunderstanding and my husband is now super caring and loving. Our marriage is being envied by people who use to mock us about our divorce case. Whoever is reading this, i may not know what you are going through but if you have any relationship problems or marriage problem the best person who can actually help is Papa abulu. his work is perfect and have only brought us joy and happiness so contact papa abulu the best and most powerful spell caster and spiritualist to help you. Papa abulu you will forever be a blessing to us.

I got back my husband fast and you can get yours too

I am an extremely shy person and a complete introvert but there are things that must be shared especially when it has to do with the restoration of my marriage and how i got back my husband through this powerful spell caster Papa abulu who in a kindness helped me helped me and my husband came back loving me like never before and today we are happier than ever. Contact Papa abulu and get you happiness back permanently. ( My name is Tara Robson I feel very joyful to share this wonderful testimony i have been married for 9 years and some months ago my marriage hit a rock and we had to be separated. It was hurtful and i was sad, worried and so confuse because i love him so much and we never had any issue or problem up till that moment. The depressing was getting worse. Luckily met a friend who directed me to this powerful spell caster Papa abulu. I contacted him and made all my problems known to him, so he told me not to worry that he will put an end to my pain and make my husband come back to me like i wanted but i never believed it will be possible because i have tried many spell casters before i met my friend who gave me Papa abulu contact details. I gave him all the info that he needed and answered he question sincerely so he promised that in less than 72 hours which is 3 days, my husband will be mine again permanently. Surprisingly, In just 48 hours which 2 days my husband came back and we settled our differences and from then on till i am typing this we are going stronger in love every single day. I was so amazed and because i had met many spell casters and spiritualist i became doubtful about spell and spell caster but now it have just helped me and this is all because Papa abulu is truly a really and powerful spell caster. Although i naturally do not like to share personal stuff out on the internet or give out testimonies like this but i had to share this amazing testimony because i am very happy. Thank you Papa abulu please do not stop you good works.

How to get back ex lover now and easy (My true testimony)

This is a my story from my heart about a genuine and powerful spell caster who helped me restore my relationship. My name is Thomas Derek and i am here to testify about Great father Papa abulu who brought back my woman to me when she broke up with me because of another man who she met at her place of work. Great father Papa abulu is a very powerful, real and unique Spiritual man with special powers and gifts. I tried to get help from many places and other spell casters to bring back my woman but nothing worked. It was like the more i tried with other spell casters and spiritualist the harder it became for me to get back my woman whom i love so dearly but when i contacted Great Mother Papa abulu, he made me smile again by bringing my man back to me with her special powers. If you are experiencing any problems in your marriage, relationship or in your life and you have any similar problem to this or any problems even spiritual problems my advice to you is to quickly contact this Great Woman Papa abulu now and i am confident that he will help too. Here is his contact information Email: Thank you Great father.

Best love spell caster who helped me get back my ex FOR FREE

I will highly recommend papa abulu as the best and most powerful real love spell caster or any spell to get back your ex-lover, ex wife, ex husband, ex boyfriend and ex girlfriend I really appreciated how The Great Papa abulu used his God given natural gift and spiritual powers to bring back my soul mate back to me without any payment. Without any payment papa abulu can help to bring back your ex and solve all your general problems or affliction problem. The one and Papa abulu is the only one i can confidently say is a true spiritualist and spell caster because he helped me and i believe he can help anyone in need of help. he solved my problem for me without asking for payment. he brought back my ex within hours which is less than a day. Get in touch with The Great Papa abulu Directly on his email which i used in speaking with him to get my help His email: I have full confidence that he can help because i am a testimony to his great powers.

Real and powerful spell caster for powerful love spell that worked for me

This is my short but detailed testimony of how you (Papa abulu) helped me solve my relationship problems and restore my relationship by bringing back my ex lover. My name is Cliff Macmillan a residence of Ukraine. I want to use this opportunity to appreciate Powerful Papa abulu for his kindness in restoring my relationship and bringing back my ex lover. This is the reason why i have taken it upon myself to thank this great spell caster and spiritualist Papa abulu because through his help my life became filled with love, joy and happiness. My ex lover who has been separated from me for the past 13 months came back to me pleading for forgiveness from me and that i should accept her back. It was shocking because before i contacted Papa abulu the most powerful and reliable spell caster and spiritualist, i was the one begging my ex lover to come back to me but through the help of powerful Papa abulu my ex lover came back to me and my relationship have been restored. I will advice anyone who have any relationship problem to quickly contact powerful Papa abulu: Contacting Papa abulu was the best thing i ever did for my happiness and my relationship.

Best love spell that actually worked (True Life Story)

Hi; it’s a pleasure to be among people talking about Papa abulu Love Spell, am so glad that Papa abulu gave me opportunity to talk good about he in public, am so proud of it because he is a wonderful man and a role model. he came to my rescue when I had no use for my life. My dirty character chased away my boyfriend, I have been so impatience for my boyfriend to get a good job and stop being a mummy’s boy after he moved in with me, I wanted the best for us and I want him to grow matured and concentrate more on establishing his own family, so we always quarrel, the most annoying thing is that he doesn’t even contribute to my welfare, I rather support him and try to make him happy because I love him. It came to a day, March 11th that I confronted him and abused him of being so lazy in his Mum’s presences, that day was a tragic day for us, his Mum sworn never to see me again near his son and instructed him to pack up and return home to her. I apologised several time for my disgraceful actions, but his family rejected me, he block all our communication links and told his friends to ignore whatever I will tell them. It was so difficult for me and I thought about taking my life, so unbearable. My case was taken to Papa abulu via ( thanks to my cousin Holly. My cousin exposed me to Papa abulu world where I found testimonies about Papa abulu help; he changed my life and made me a better person with his motherly advice and care throughout the love spell process. My boyfriend came back; knocking on the door 3 days after the spell was cast. I accepted him with tears of joy; his Mum called immediately to check on us, he told me that I have been forgiven by the family and gave us good advice. It’s a miracle, my boyfriend has good job now, we are all living happy. I am among the people saying good about Papa abulu for what he has done, words are not enough, thank you sir for helping me and others

How to completely leave an ex lover for good (best help)

My boyfriend had this girl that has been ruining our relationships for years, he broke up with her three years ago, but she still controls him and destroys most of his relationships. I was now a victim. She came again to take him away from me, she tried all she could, but I kept my faith strong and stayed with my boyfriend without allowing her more into him. She also confronted me, told me that there is nothing I will do to make her leave him alone, she warned seriously that I am endangering my life and she will soon act stronger than ever. I was afraid and started having doubt in my strength because my boyfriend has already started seeing her; all hope was almost lost, I don’t know how this evil lady controls him since the day there had a dramatic break up. I decided to help save the man I love even if we will not be together again. I went to friends for advice and visited blogs too. I found testimonies about Papa abulu Love Spell and others, but my spirit chose him. I took courage and emailed him and my life changed since then. The evil lady’s power over my boyfriend was destroyed and she doesn’t have any spiritual connecting again with him. My boyfriend has changed; he is feeling so relieved and healthy now than before. He also emailed Papa abulu to thank for the love spell and encouraged me to also share our own testimony on blogs. We are grateful for what you have done. Email his and receive your own miracle through

How to solve your marriage problem and enjoy your marriage

Here is my testimony I will like to share with you all, since’ I and my lovely husband married we never find happening in our home, things always go wrong, our business shattered. along the line my husband fall sick, No money to feed things were very bad. But thank Mrs. Tricia who lead me to Papa abulu a week ago and introduce me to him and I explain all my problem to him and he told me that what I called problem is a challenges, I have to overcome it by casting a spell. Immediately he cast the spell all I call problem was solved. Thanks to Papa abulu, we are grateful me and my family below is Papa abulu contact what do you want? Are you feeling lonely or lost? Do you feel confused and you don’t know what to do next? You lost your lover and you need him/her back? Are you facing difficult challenges in marriage? Are you having sleepless nights? family problem? Financial difficult? Contact he will use his African herbs with the guidance of her strong spiritual powers with the experience of casting holistic spells. To give you all you needs.

How i won the power ball lottery with a powerful good luck spell

I go by the name Williams Spack. I won $40,000,000 in the power ball lottery, I took an advice from some person who talked about this great spell caster called Papa abulu the person placed a testimonies on a blog saying how Papa abulu helped him win the lottery by sending him the winning number i was curious and i thought it was all joke not until i contacted this spell caster to know for myself how this work cause i have spend a lot buying tickets and i never win. I contacted he and he told me the necessary thing that need to be done and i did it and she told me to wait for 3 days and truly she gave me the winning numbers to play the lottery which i did, Can you believe my name was the first winner that is how i won {$60,000,000} Contact him on is the only answer to that your problem of winning the lottery. he also help me to cure my herpes

Restore broken relationship with powerful spell from reliable spell caster

My name is Marilyn Peters from Canada, I was in a relationship with Ben and we loved and cherished ourselves for 3 good years and every thing was going on smoothly but a day came when we had misunderstanding because I answered a call from a guy that is asking me out for a date but I refused, and before you know it my guy told me that the relationship is over and that he is fed up with me and I begged him because I love him so much but he refused me I was so down cast and I felt the world has come to an end for me but my friend told me about a spell caster that helped her sister out in getting her relationship back, but at first I was scared but I have to give this man a trial because I love Teddy very much and I am not willing to loose him to any woman, i contacted Papa abulu and he promise me that my boyfriend will come back to me in 48 hour and just as he has said in 48 hours time my boyfriend came back to me as papa abulu had told me. I got your email ( from my friend but i also saw a lot of testimonies about you on the internet. Thank you so much for bringing back the love of my life to me

How i got my ex husband back, a good job and healing for my daughter

My name is Charlotte, I am here to testify to the good work of the Papa abulu. Exactly four years ago, my husband left home, he never returned, no phone calls, no letters, no emails, no sign of him anywhere. my daughter got sick with multiple sclerosis, things were so tough for me. I had lost hope, 2 years ago, i was directed to a very powerful man called Papa abulu, after i pleaded with her he said she would help me. I had already lost over $6800 to other spiritualist who told me they could help me without any result. I lost hope completely, my daughter's situation got worse each day. Three weeks ago i was directed to Papa abulu and I gave he a try paid about $2500, for all that he did which was to bring back ex lover, Healing spell and Career success. In a matter of weeks, my husband called me and told me he was sorry that he wants to come back to me and that he was sorry for everything and regret all that happened. Just like a dream my husband came back two days later, I got a new job with a loan and finance company, about 11 days after Papa abulu helped me, my daughter's condition is getting better each day and I trust she would be well in a matter of days.I want to thank Papa abulu, for his efforts and for bringing my life back to normal My name is Charlotte, I live in UK.

How To Get Your Ex Back PERMANENTLY

Life can sometimes be very frustrating and heartbreaking but we must try to fight and not give up too easily. My name is Gina and I've known Viera for a years, When we finally got together things were kind of weird so we broke up which was in February of 2014 In March of 2014 Viera and I got back together and we were together until June of 2017. which was some of the best years of my life and he was every woman's dream. Three days after my birthday which was January 4 2018 he told me he was not interested in relationship again. I knew I made some mistakes but it was heartbreaking and I knew I couldn't live without Viera and it was so hard for me. If you have really love someone and almost lose them to someone else you will understand the feeling and heartbreak I went through. The worse part was that I am an introvert so sharing my problem was a difficult task for me and I was killing me inside. I wasn't talking to anybody, I cried a lot, I was depressed that. There is this friend of mine whose husband wanted a divorce, she was so excited and told me the case have been withdrawn by her husband and also told me how Papa abulu a very king and powerful man who helped and her husband dropped the divorce case and they are more in love and happier than ever before. Without much pleading plead with he for the contact information of the powerful man who helped her and she was happy to give me the contact details of Papa abulu. His Email:

Win Your Husband Back Fast and Easy

This is just a bit of my story which is an appreciation to a very kind and powerful spell caster who brought my husband back to me. My name is Eli Kennedy, Liverpool, United Kingdom. I'm happily married to a lovely and caring husband, with two lovely kids. A very big problem occurred in my family eleven months ago, between me and my husband. It was a big problem and a mistake from me that made my husband file for a divorce and insisted that he will never to stay with me again and that he doesn't love me anymore. It was so bad that he had to pack out of the house and made me go through some of the worse and lonely days of my life. I tried all my possible means to get him back after much trying to no avail. It became so bad that he told me he never want to have anything to do with me ever again. I was checking some information's on the internet when I came across some testimonies about a powerful spell caster and spiritualist who help people with different problems. in all honesty it was hard for me to believe but after speaking with Papa abulu and reading many amazing testimonies from those he helped I was still confused. I hard to call a lady who Papa abulu helped and after I spoke with him on the phone I decided to give him a trial which was the best thing I did last year It took her 2 days to complete the work for me and exactly 23 hours after he finish the work my husband called and was pleading for forgiveness. I was completely sure that this was the result of Papa abulu and my husband came back to us. Papa abulu you may not know what you have done but I want to let you know that you saved my life and my marriage and I will forever be thankful and grateful to you.

Solve Infertility Problem and Get Pregnant

I am Maria from Hawaii and I want to share to you the true stories of spell casting who I will call the best spell caster or spiritualist who can really help people with their problems. The above statement is because he helped me when it was 11 years without a baby and my husband was getting very worried. Donald loves me dearly but I could feel the sadness in his heart and how much he long to have a child of his own. It is a fact that there are people who claim to be spell casters but cannot help people with their problems or cast effective and powerful spell that work but with the work of powerful Papa abulu I now understand what it means to be a real and powerful spell caster because he helped me and within a month of a work my pregnancy result was positive and today with the help of powerful spell caster Papa abulu I am now a proud mother of 4 lovely kids. It was amazing and each time I think of it and papa abulu helped me solve my problem of having a child it bring tears of joy to my eyes. Papa abulu is truly gifted and I am lucky to have pleaded with for help and extremely grateful for his help which solved my problem of getting pregnant and having a child of my own. Thank you Papa abulu you are a blessing to my life and my family From Maria Doris

Restore broken marriage with powerful spell caster

The casting of spells has always scared me to bite, but when life was becoming hopeless I had to be strong but the best part was that I ...